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A shovel instead of a desk: Lightnet UK helps at Cander Moss

Peatlands only cover around three per cent of the world's land area, but store around 600 billion tonnes of carbon. That is twice as much as all the world's forests put together. They therefore play a crucial role in climate protection. However, many peatlands have been damaged by drainage and agricultural use, which has severely impaired their ability to store CO₂. This makes it all the more important to protect and renaturalise these valuable habitats.

Since 2025, we have therefore been supporting the Scottish Wildlife Trust, Scotland's leading nature conservation organisation, with donations towards precisely this goal. However, the British team not only wanted to help financially, but also to get actively involved.

Equipped with gloves and tools, the volunteers worked directly on site in Cander Moss, removing invasive birch trees that were drying out the bog and impairing its natural regeneration.

“Over 80% of Scotland's peatlands are in a degraded state. Measures like this are crucial to ensure their long-term ecological function,” explains the Lightnet UK team.

Special thanks go to Chris and Sarah from the Scottish Wildlife Trust who accompanied our team and provided valuable insight into the importance of peatland conservation.