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Lion Plaza London, UK

In the impressive Lion Plaza building on Old Broad Street in London, the reception area has been fitted with our Liquid Line A3 luminaires with bespoke custom bends. This installation highlights the reception area and creates an extremely elegant and high-quality ambience in this unique building, at this prestigious London address.

The planning of this extraordinary lighting concept was carried out with the utmost precision and care.

Many thanks to our valued partners who made this project possible. Together we have created an impressive lighting concept that not only emphasises the architecture of the building, but also creates a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere in the reception area of Lion Plaza. We are proud to be part of this project and look forward to further exciting collaborations.

Project partner

Building contractor: Overbury
Architects: Perkins Will Architects
Electrical Consultant: Troup Bywaters + Anders
Electrical Installer: Ambient Electrical
Photos: Sam Phillips

Products used

Components of this lighting design.