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Ziegler Holzindustrie GmbH Plößberg, Germany

A building like a forest, in the middle of a clearing. A building that connects, creates identity and offers a perfect working atmosphere for 120 employees. The new central administration of the Ziegler Group - awarded the Swiss AWARD 2021 for Marketing + Architecture for high-quality corporate architecture - was built on the place where the success story of the family-owned company began in 1948. Made of natural material - inside and out, the material the company deals with every day. The architecture shows the company, its philosophy and its most original product, the tree trunk.

Inside, the concept continues - wood in all its diversity in processing, type and colour. Our Basic luminaires blend harmoniously into the overall concept thanks to their organic shape and support the natural ambience.

Project partner

Architects: Brückner & Brückner Architekten GmbH, Tirschenreuth/Würzburg
Photography: Holger Meckbach

Products used

Components of this lighting design.