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Swiss Export Risk Insurance Zurich, Switzerland

Swiss Export Risk Insurance (SERV), based in Zurich, is a federal institution under public law. Its task is to insure the export transactions of Swiss companies in politically or economically unstable countries. At the beginning of 2021, SERV moved into its new building in the centre of Zurich. The concept of the new premises offers a great deal of openness without sacrificing the familiar feel-good atmosphere. For example, the open-plan work areas can be separated with panel curtains or acoustic walls. There are also plenty of opportunities to withdraw for customer meetings, phone calls or discussions with colleagues.

The purist design of our Basic series also supports this feel-good atmosphere. In the meeting rooms, Basic Superflat P7 pendant luminaires provide optimum illumination and a harmonious ambience.

Project partner

Realisation and photography: Mabalux
Planning: Ernst von Petersdorff + Partner AG

Products used

Components of this lighting design.