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Multifunctional lighting Conference rooms in the MCC Halle Münsterland

The conference rooms at Halle Münsterland are perfectly lit and provide the ideal setting for a wide range of events - from simple meetings to exclusive receptions with decision-makers and celebrities.

In the conference rooms, our Ringo Star F3 recessed luminaires provide optimum general lighting, which is also dimmable and glare-free. Our round Basic M4 luminaires provide a bright and pleasant atmosphere in the corridors of the Halle Münsterland. Different diameters ensure a balanced, relaxed ceiling appearance with optimum lighting conditions. The unobtrusive lighting blends in perfectly with the architecture and interior design of the corridors, supporting their multifunctional use as lounge and catering areas.

Our modular Matric recessed luminaire range creates a pleasant atmosphere in the sanitary areas, in keeping with the modern design of Halle Münsterland.

Project partner

Lighting design: scharkon Lichtkonzepte GmbH

Oliver Kahl, Scharkon

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