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Light as a connecting element The entrance area of the Creos head office

For Creos, operator of electricity grids and natural gas pipelines in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, protecting the environment is a high priority. Impacts on people and nature are kept as low as possible, so it is not surprising that the new administrative headquarters in Luxembourg City has achieved a DGNB platinum certification. The German Sustainable Building Council bases its assessment equally on the environment, people and economic efficiency, and thus on the entire life cycle. The building is divided into two interconnected blocks offering offices, meeting rooms, lounges and a restaurant.

The hub of the complex is the entrance area with its staircase. This is where the uniqueness of Liquid Line comes into play. Its character is to trace the contours of the architecture. Its light lines on the wall and ceiling link floors and thus people. Blue acoustic elements regulate audible sound and are also a decorative component.

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