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ADSN Group Venelles, France

With its expertise in the legal professions, data protection, cybersecurity and client relations, the ADSN Group supports notaries and all regulated professions (health, legal, real estate, banking, insurance, etc.) in France. From its headquarters in Venelles, near Aix-en-Provence, the Group's 452 employees are responsible for storing and ensuring the security of data and exchanges between the regulated professions, their clients and the public authorities.

As part of the renovation of its new headquarters, Lightnet was able to assist ADSN with the lighting design. In the conference room, for example, our Ringo Star provides professional lighting and creates a visual focal point in the centre of the room. With its organic shape and different sizes, our Basic creates a harmonious atmosphere in the stairwell and open space.

Project partner

Many thanks to our partners:

Planning office: Véolia Lyon
Installer: Eiffage Energie Méditerranée.
Photo credit: Clément Mahoudeau