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TenneT Virtual Vision Showroom Berlin, Germany

Offshore wind farms, power lines and energy system transformation - these are the main topics of the Virtual Showroom of the transmission system operator TennT TSO. The company opened the Virtual Vision Showroom 2017 in Berlin in order to make the challenges of the energy revolution and in particular the associated tasks of a power grid operator tangible for interested parties from politics and the media, stakeholders from grid expansion projects as well as universities and schools with the help of virtual and augmented reality applications.

TenneT Virtual Vision offers eight multimedia info points with mixed reality systems on more than 260 square metres. These enable visitors to immerse themselves virtually and interactively in the work of the transmission network operator. What previously could only be explained theoretically can now be communicated clearly by addressing all the senses. For example, visitors can plan and build their own high-voltage lines using a multi-touch system or use augmented reality technology to view the energy supply of the future. The highlight of the exhibition is the virtual journey to the offshore converter platform HelWin-Alpha in the middle of the North Sea. The special: Due to the fact that the VR glasses used are switched synchronously, group visits to the offshore project are also possible.

The exhibition areas are illuminated by frameless recessed ceiling luminaires from the Basic and Matric series in warm white (3000K). They support the futuristic design of the exhibition space and ensure perfect illumination of the exhibition areas thanks to opal diffusers made of acrylic glass. The 180-degree cinema additionally features recessed luminaires from the Ringo Star series.

Project partner

Lighting design: ObjektLICHT Piwarz

Products used

Components of this lighting design.