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Harmony in light and space Clear lighting design for a pleasant working atmosphere

Our Matric, Midpin, Liquid Line, Caleo and Ringo Star LED luminaires provide excellent illumination of the premises at Schneider Engineering GmbH in Fulda, Germany, and create a positive working atmosphere.

In the communal area, which is designed as an inviting lounge with warm wooden elements and modern furnishings, our Matric AX provides uniform and pleasant illumination. The linear surface-mounted luminaires harmonise perfectly with the wooden ceiling and emphasise the open yet cosy atmosphere of the room. The light-coloured floor and glass walls also contribute to the airy effect.
For the kitchen and dining area, our Matric AX was combined with our miniaturised Midpin C2 spotlight system for 48V track. The rotatable and swivelling spotlights are available in different light colours and as a Dim To Warm version and adapt perfectly to the requirements of the room to create a bright and friendly environment.

The kitchen is characterised by a modern, minimalist design with black cabinets and warm wooden elements. The generous window front provides plenty of natural light, which is optimally complemented by the targeted lighting with midpin LED spotlights. A central island with integrated plants separates the dining area from the kitchenette and creates a pleasant, natural atmosphere.
The hallway stands out thanks to the impressive installation of Matric AX luminaires. The linear light lines run along both the ceiling and the walls to structure the space geometrically while providing excellent illumination. The design of concrete walls, wooden floor and metal railings creates a modern, industrial look that is emphasised by the lighting.

Our Liquid Line A3 was installed in the conference room to create a harmonious ambience. The soft shapes contribute to a relaxed and productive atmosphere. The modern design of the luminaires, which are mounted in a ring-shaped pattern on the ceiling, gives the room a futuristic touch.
In offices, our Caleo PX Inverse ensures optimum working conditions. The LED pendant luminaire provides glare-free light and blends discreetly into the interior design with its elegant design. The workstations are bright and modern, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The square Caleo PX Inverse perfectly complements the room concept with its rounded corners, while the hexagonal acoustic panels on the wall not only have a decorative effect, but also contribute to noise insulation and thus to a pleasant working atmosphere. The colour scheme with neutral tones and occasional colour accents creates a harmonious and productive working environment.

Our ring-shaped Ringo Star PY LED pendant light is used in the meeting booths, which not only sets visual accents with a green moss panel, but also helps to improve the acoustics. This combination creates a calm, natural atmosphere and at the same time provides excellent lighting for constructive discussions and focussed work.

Project partner

Many thanks to our project partners:
Room concept: Simone Möller, interior designer
Lighting design: Christian Schneider and Jens Laser
Photos: Damian Werner